Monday, January 21, 2008


There is this incredibly adorable woman from Turkey who I have chatted on and off with for a few years now. Unfortunately, it is rare for us to connect often enough to have more consistent conversations due to the time zone differences of course and our busy lives. This is not the point of this entry though. The point is that we just had a very enjoyable time chatting and most of that chat was me introducing her to my blog on and then showing her how she could easily subscribe to the RSS feed of my blog through Google Reader. With her help and just by chance, I then found out that Google apparently is working hard to translate any blog from from one language to another automatically and as necessary. She helped me find this out when she expressed her surprise to me at how when viewing my blog it was being displayed to her in Turkish. It is efforts like this that cause me to be as much of a fan boy of Google as I am.

Again, I am straying from the point a bit. My intention, really, is to express here, since i feel i cannot express enough to her, how enjoyable it is to communicate with her and how very appreciative I am of the fact that we are able to have these communications mainly because of her understanding of my language and because of how very intelligent and computer savvy she is.

Making these kinds of connections with people from all over the world is why I love the internet so much and is also what helps give me hope that eventually we will all figure out how to come together as one. It is also a wonderful way to help fend off that feeling we sometimes have of being trapped in our own little worlds and sectioned off in our own separate little concrete rooms with no connections to each other. I am speaking on a more global international scale when I say that.

Anyway' though we have little to do directly with each others lives my good friend from Turkey, as well as all you other friends I have made over the internet through the years, I feel we have all forged small bonds that to me are very tangible and I am thankful for them.

1 comment:

Aga said...

Well said/written. Luckily we are no longer limited by inefficient means of communication. Let's hope it stays this way.