Monday, December 01, 2008


The muslim extremists are not doing themselves any favors by taking the kind of action they took this past holiday weekend in Mumbai. Attacking random citizens, some not even citizens of India, but visitors to the country, and executing them for some wrong they perceive was done against them that many of those who died probably weren't even aware of.

I am afraid that this type of violence is still going to continue escalating until they force the whole world to be united against them. This is very bad!

Through the outsourcing to India the company I work for does I have met many Indian folk, some who work in Mumbai. They are all such very nice people. It has been an eye opening experience to meet and work with them all. So to see this kind of thing happen to them really makes me sad. Of course they are a country that has their own problems, but they are trying to improve. It is a slow process. It will take time.

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