Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sierra Madre Fire News Article

This is not cool. This fire is no particular threat to Tina and I, but it is very close. It is only a little over 5 miles from us. The part that sucks is that I have two good friends that live in this area. One of them most likely is in no real danger. She and her husband are far enough down in the rural area and away for the mountain and actual forest areas. My other friend though is actually living right there with the forest area just at the base of the mountain. You could easily see the fire raging right from the area where her house is. She is just North East of Mountain View Trail where apparently they did end up having to evacuate this morning. This is right by the Mt. Wilson trail that we all go hiking at as well. I wonder if the trail will be shutdown for an extended period of time because of this.

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